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Imagery Data Sources

Landsat Imagery (GeoTiff files):

United States Geological Survey Global Visualization Viewer (GLOVIS) webpage used to view and select images.

United States Geological Survey Earth Explorer webpage used to order and download images.


MODIS Imagery (GeoTiff files):

Images downloaded from NASA Level 1 Atmosphere Archive Distribution System (LAADS) using scripts written by Joseph Shea and Brian Menousnos. Image specifications and processing is described in their paper at:




J. M. Shea, J.M., Menounos, B., Moore, R.D., Tennant, C. (2013), An approach to derive regional snow lines and glacier mass change from  MODIS imagery, western North America, The Cryosphere, 7, 667–680. doi:10.5194/tc-7-667-2013 (Dec 2013


Dozier, J. (1989), Spectral signature of alpine snow cover from the Landsat Thematic Mapper, Remote Sens. Environ., 28:9-22. (Dec 2013)


Farooq, S., Spectral reflectance of land covers, Center for Promotion of Science Aligarh Muslim University. (Dec 2013)


Rummel, B. (2013), Investigation of Landsat satellite image change detection of snow and ice cover, Master’s thesis in Natural Resources      Management Norwegian University of Science and Technology. (Dec 2013)


Irish, R.R., Landsat 7 automatic cloud cover assessment, Science Systems and Applications, Inc. (Dec 2013)



Riggs, G.A., Hall, D.K., Salomonson, V.V. (2001), Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD), MODIS Snow and Sea Ice Global Mapping Project. (Dec 2013)


Riggs, G.A., Hall, D.K., Salomonson, V.V. (2006), MODIS snow products user guide to collection 5 (updates), MODIS Snow and Sea Ice Global Mapping  Project. (Dec 2013)


Metro Vancouver (2013), Watershed Tours. (Dec 2013)



University of British Columbia

GEOB 370 Project

Julia Newton December 4, 2013

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